We have discussed the afterlife and related issues, from the perspective of paranormal research, on a number of occasions. These are related to the Christian concept of the resurrection – at least in the sense that Christians’ belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ promises hope of our own eternal life with God after we […]
Index to the Second Year
Thank you as always for checking in with WisdomWordsPPF! Here is a guide to the past year of blog posts (note that some posts appear in several categories). If you want a guide to the first year (October 2015-October 2016), you can find it here. Posts on Social Justice, Politics and Our Peer Nations The […]
Medjugorje: Exploring the Science of the Afterlife
Many modern Westerners tend to be leery of the possibility of an afterlife, even of the existence of a soul. In a Post-Enlightenment age, we are surrounded by science, technology, evidence and proofs. Climate change denial notwithstanding, we tend to believe only what we can observe with our five senses. The physical is real; the […]