Current Poll Numbers in Close Senate Midterm Races

| Present

Earlier we discussed Democratic Senate candidates for some of the close contests in the 2022 midterm primaries and November election. Here we will revisit those candidates vis-à-vis current polling and fundraising. Pundits routinely predict that Democrats will lose both the House and Senate: some of us hope they are dead wrong in their predictions. If […]

Checking in on Biden’s Judicial Appointments and Confirmations

| Present

According to Ballotpedia, “During his one term in office, President Donald Trump (R) nominated 274 individuals to federal judgeships. Trump made 245 judicial appointments. Of those appointments, 234 were Article III judges [which are confirmed by the Senate and serve for life]. Trump withdrew eight nominees and 143 received no vote from the Senate.” An […]

A Time of Contrasts, A Time for Prayer

| Future,Present

We are living in a time of enormous contrasts. On the positive side, we are finally seeing the rates of COVID-19 fall (although there are still warnings of a possible surge), along with rates of vaccination going up (although plateauing in some places). We can be grateful that our vaccines are being shared with people […]

Where the US Stands: A Sampling of Comparative Quality-of-Life Statistics

| Present

It is advisable and instructive to periodically take stock of where we as a nation stand when it comes to quality-of-life issues. We have done this off and on over the past five years. Comparing ourselves and how we are doing to our sister nations can and should prompt us to do some self-reflection, to […]