As the November election looms, over 200 leaders in a number of Christian groups and denominations have issued a powerful statement linking our current “crisis of democracy” with values held by American Christians. The lengthy statement is comprehensive and argues, “Democracy stands embattled, facing new threats within our nation and new challenges around the globe… […]
Blog posts relating to the present such as social justice issues
Beware the Presidential Administration Academy
Over the past few years, we have alerted readers to organizations, initiatives and stances sponsored or promoted by the right-wing element in our political discourse that might sound good at first glance but which are in fact misleading and even dangerous (Project Blitz and right-wing attempts to legislate specific types of Bible classes in public […]
The Importance of the Department of the Interior: The Values and Initiatives of Biden-Harris versus Trump
The Department of the Interior, which supervises a number of Bureaus, the National Park Service, and US Fish and Wildlife, is not one of the federal Departments that comes readily to mind by most Americans. But its reach is wide, and the difference between the DOI of the Biden-Harris Administration and the past and potentially […]
Some Positive Developments for the American People
Things sometimes change very quickly in politics! On Saturday, July 20, Joe Biden was still running for President. By early afternoon on Sunday, July 21, he was dropping out of his reelection campaign and endorsing VP Kamala Harris as his successor. Contrary to what some Republicans seem to be calling for, Biden has every intention […]
All the President’s People: The Vital Importance of the Leader’s Advisors
Yes, the person we elect as our President every four years is extremely important. Most of us hope against hope that he or she will have certain qualities for the job: competence, honesty, wide knowledge of the significant issues of the day, integrity, good mental and physical health, and others. In the complexity that is […]
Making Big Oil Pay: Vermont Takes the Lead
Tiny Vermont (population 647,000) has taken a big step: to use legislation to make giant oil companies accountable for a significant amount of damage that has been done to the earth’s environment by climate change. According to VTDigger, Republican Governor Phil Scott let the legislation, S.259, the “Climate Superfund Act,” go into effect without his […]
Ancient Papyri, Household Codes, Slavery, and non-Western Paul: A Sampling of Current Christian Testament Research
Last year, we reported on the First (2023) Global Virtual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. And we have also discussed Biblical scholarship that has emerged from other SBL meetings (2017, 2020, and 2021). SBL, founded in 1880, is “the oldest and largest learned society devoted to the critical investigation of the Bible from […]
Democrats in the Pipeline: Planning for the Future II
In Part I of our look at up-and-coming Democrats to watch in the coming years, we portrayed VP Kamala Harris, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, Senators Cory Booker and Mark Kelly, Representative Ro Khanna, and Biden-Harris campaign co-chair Mitch Landrieu. Here we will highlight five others – four governors and a Cabinet member – in alphabetical […]
Democrats in the Pipeline: Planning for the Future I
If Joe Biden wins the Presidency again this November (as millions of Americans hope!), and if the Biden-Harris Administration continues making as much progress as it has in the past four years, their successes will provide a golden opportunity for other Democrats to run for President in 2028 and beyond. Let us take a look […]
Influential (and Dangerous) Right-wing Organizations: A Focus on the Liberty Justice Center and the Alliance Defending Freedom
As the 2024 election season heats up, Americans who care about preserving our democratic republic should know about some of the organizations that are using their legal prowess to spread dangerous disinformation and influence not only the election but our laws – for years to come. Like Moms for Liberty, which we’ve examined before, the […]