Same-sex Unions in Antiquity

| Past,Present

The issue of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and other alternative lifestyle rights has been prominent in the US and throughout the world for the past 30 or 40 years. The related issue of same-sex marriage has come even more to the fore in American culture since the Supreme Court ruled in late June 2015 that same-sex […]

St. Paul and Women

| Past

Philippi, in the north of Greece, was a significant city in the history of Christianity. St. Paul visited the city and wrote a letter to the community there, which is in the New Testament of the Bible. While Paul may be seen as someone who suppressed women, based upon other letters in the New Testament […]

Initial Thoughts on the Common Good

| Past,Present

In this blog, I will be referring frequently to the common good. While there are political, economic and philosophical ways of discussing this concept, I would like to keep it simple and straightforward. I will also be placing it in a theological context, since that is my training – and also since much of our […]