
“Past” is a site for articles relating to women in antiquity, early church history and New Testament archaeology. Posts are based on scholarly research and include resources in the field, such as peer-reviewed articles and books. Examining issues from a scholarly feminist perspective supports social justice in our current situation.

I am available in the New England and greater Albany areas, with advance notice, to present lectures on a number of topics in these fields. Lectures are illustrated with photos taken on-site in Greece, Italy, Great Britain, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Hungary, Austria and former Yugoslavia. Sample lecture titles/topics include:

  • Women in the Early Jesus Movement: Literary and Archaeological Evidence
  • Pagan, Jewish and Christian Women in the Roman Empire: Literary and Archaeological Evidence
  • Paul’s Female Colleagues: Not Keeping Silence in the Churches OR The Women Around St. Paul: Setting the Record Straight
  • Archaeological Revelations from the Ancient Cities of Philippi and Corinth
  • Same-Sex Couples in the Early Church: Literary and Archaeological Evidence
  • Priestesses and Other Female Cult Leaders in the Early Christian Era
  • Evidence for a Christian Goddess: The Bendis-Zodiac Relief at Philippi
  • When Early Jesus Followers Revered a Female Deity
  • The Goddess and Healing: Nursing’s Heritage from Antiquity
  • How Archaeology Can Assist Early Christian Studies and Why it Matters
  • Pre-Christian Origins of the Labyrinth
  • Images of Mary in Christian Apocryphal Art
  • Ancient Goddess Imagery and its Influence on Christian Spirituality
  • Thecla, Paul and the Prehistoric Goddess
  • The Feminine/Androgynous Jesus
  • Trinities: Historical Alternatives to ‘Father, Son and Holy Ghost’
  • Trials and Tribulations of Translating Scripture: Implications for the 21st Century
  • Female Imagery in the Roman Catacombs
  • Religious Beliefs and Practices of Women From Prehistory through the Early Byzantine Era
  • Women and Archaeology: Learning from Ancient Artifacts

Upcoming Events


Past Events

  • Public slide lecture and discussion, “The Birth of the West: New Insights from Archaeological Finds of the First Three Centuries CE,” Putney Community Cares, May 13, 2024, Putney, VT. Feedback: “It was a fascinating presentation.  Since I had been to some of those ancient locations (Corinth, Delphi, Greek Islands, Bath) it was especially interesting to be thinking of them at the time of Christ. Of course, the real message was woman’s active roles in the early church. I also appreciated the insights about some of the writings attributed to Paul as being after his time.”
  • Public slide lecture and discussion in celebration of Women’s History Month, “Pagan, Jewish and Christian Women in the Roman Empire: Literary and Archaeological Evidence,” Brooks Memorial Library, Brattleboro, VT, March 11, 2024, approximately 35 in attendance. Testimonials/feedback: “You were so prepared and thorough and it was wonderful to hear about how influential some women were in Roman times and early Jesus times. I especially liked learning which of the Pauline epistles were authentic. I never knew that some were not.” “Your talk was great!  Very interesting.” “What an informative talk and I am so impressed with the turnout as well!”
  • Lecture and discussion, “Pagan, Jewish and Christian Women in the Roman Empire: Literary and Archaeological Evidence,” Manchester (VT) Community Library, March 25, 2023 (in celebration of Women’s History Month).
  • Lecture and discussion, “Pagan, Jewish and Christian Women in the Roman Empire,” Greenfield (Mass.) Community College Senior Symposia program, October 13, 2022, approximately 20 in attendance. Testimonials/feedback: “Excellent,” “extremely erudite,” “terrific presentation,” “kept our attention without ostentation.”
  • Lecture and discussion,“Archaeological Revelations from the Ancient Cities of Philippi and Corinth,” Carleton-Willard Village senior residence, Bedford, Mass., November 29, 2022; approximately 40 in attendance.
  • Lecture and discussion, “Archaeological Revelations from the Ancient Cities of Philippi and Corinth,” Atria Woodbriar senior residence, Falmouth, Mass., October 28, 2019; approximately 30 in attendance.
  • Lecture and discussion, “Archaeological Revelations from the Ancient Cities of Philippi and Corinth,” Osher @ Dartmouth, Hanover, NH, June 27, 2019. Testimonial: “Thanks again for your wonderful presentation yesterday. By my count 38 people attended and seemed to enjoy it thoroughly.” – Tom, Hanover, NH
  • Silent Advent Retreat, “Contemplating Mary in History, Music, Art and Liturgy,” at the Bishop Booth Conference Center, Episcopal Church in Vermont, Burlington, Vermont, December 7-8, 2018.
  • Lecture and discussion, “Pagan, Jewish and Christian Women in the Roman Empire: Literary and Archaeological Evidence,” Lasell Village, Newton, Mass., November 5, 2018; approximately 50 in attendance. Testimonial from two attendees: “We both found your talk interesting and informative.”
  • Lecture and discussion, “The Women around St. Paul: Setting the Record Straight,” Bradley House, Brattleboro, Vermont, October 15, 2018.


If you are interested, please contact me!