All the President’s People: The Vital Importance of the Leader’s Advisors

Yes, the person we elect as our President every four years is extremely important. Most of us hope against hope that he or she will have certain qualities for the job: competence, honesty, wide knowledge of the significant issues of the day, integrity, good mental and physical health, and others. In the complexity that is […]

Democrats in the Pipeline: Planning for the Future II

In Part I of our look at up-and-coming Democrats to watch in the coming years, we portrayed VP Kamala Harris, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, Senators Cory Booker and Mark Kelly, Representative Ro Khanna, and Biden-Harris campaign co-chair Mitch Landrieu. Here we will highlight five others – four governors and a Cabinet member – in alphabetical […]

Democrats in the Pipeline: Planning for the Future I

If Joe Biden wins the Presidency again this November (as millions of Americans hope!), and if the Biden-Harris Administration continues making as much progress as it has in the past four years, their successes will provide a golden opportunity for other Democrats to run for President in 2028 and beyond. Let us take a look […]

Civics Lessons from the Era of Trump: Part I

If we feel sometimes like we’ve gone to law school over the past eight years, it’s understandable. For many of us who have been paying attention, we have learned more than we ever wanted or expected to know about our Constitution and legal system. This is not an entirely bad thing; we citizens should definitely […]

Current Research on Pompeii, Part II: Paul’s Letter to the Romans

In Part I, we examined some recent research on Pompeii, focusing on archaeological studies. Here we will look at British scholar Peter Oakes’ 2009 book, Reading Romans in Pompeii: Paul’s Letter at Ground Level, which combines archaeological insights from Pompeii with an exegesis (analysis) of important aspects of St. Paul’s letter to the Romans. St. […]

Now We Get to Work!

It’s Friday the 13th, but for many of us, that feels like a very positive date on the calendar! Despite what Donald Trump and his supporters might say and wish, they have been defeated at the polls, and it is time for him to prepare to move out of the White House (the People’s House). […]

Happiness and Health: A Correlation?

The World Happiness Report is out for 2019. Is there anything we can learn from the current top three “happiest countries in the world” and their health care systems, especially as compared to our own in the United States? Is there a way to see how health care systems and citizen happiness are related? We […]

Ben Carson and HUD Being Sued

As the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) marked its 50th anniversary in April 2018, several civil rights groups, led by the National Fair Housing Alliance, were suing the agency and its Secretary, Dr. Ben Carson, “for suspending an Obama-era rule requiring communities to examine and address barriers to racial integration.” According to reporting […]

Advice to Trump from His Own Inauguration

Our new President, Donald Trump, heard a number of inspiring readings during his Inauguration, as well as at the National Prayer Service the next day. It is hard to read body language, but for most of the time that I watched both events, I got the distinct feeling that he was bored. I hope I’m […]